We’re so glad! Welcome to Liberti River Wards Church. We’d love for you to join us in worshipping Christ Jesus this Sunday.


  • TIME: 9:00 AM for Sunday worship

  • PLACE: 2038 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, PA 19125

  • PARKING: There is free parking available across the street from us at Kensington High School.

  • SEPTA: Taking the El? We’re walking distance from the York/Dauphin stop. Taking the bus? The 3, 5, and 39 buses all stop near us! Map your route to us.

  • WANT A RIDE? We’re happy to pick you up. Please email or call 262-951-6023 and we’ll arrange a ride for you.

  • LUNCH: Free lunch for first-time visitors! Let’s have a meal together.



  • Come As You Are

    We want you to meet the real you. Wear jeans and a T-shirt, suit and tie, whatever you like. Lifelong Christian? Praise God! You are welcome here. Not sure what you believe? You are also welcome here. Please come as you are.

  • Our Service

    During our worship service, we dwell on and celebrate God’s work in Christ Jesus. Our service lasts a little more than an hour and includes songs, prayer, responsive readings, teaching from the Bible, and communion.

  • Children & Families

    Your children are so welcome! During the service, we offer age-appropriate Bible lessons for kids ages 3 through 9. Nursery is available for kids 2 and under. You will find our kids ministry check-in as soon as you enter the building!


We believe that Jesus Christ lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved to die. His resurrection from the dead is the central fact of both human history and personal meaning in life.

do you need help?

Do you or a neighbor need groceries or some other kind of help? Please contact us at The LORD himself sees you and cares about you, and so do we.

we’re buying a building!

We could not be more overjoyed to announce we are fundraising for the purchase and renovation of our own building! We envision a vibrant space of worship, fellowship, and ministry to those in need. Please watch our video about this exciting milestone in the life of our church!

let the peoples praise you, o god!

Come and join us in praising the LORD for the work he has done in Christ Jesus, our Savior! We would be delighted to meet you at our next worship service this Sunday. In the meantime, please feel free to explore our website some more.