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Free at Last? Book Study


Join us for a book discussion on July 26th, 2020!

Liberti will be hosting book studies on Free At Last?  this summer. The first round of discussions will take place on Sunday, July 26: there will be a discussion over Zoom right after church and then an in-person discussion that evening following the evening communion service (food will be provided!). We will send out the zoom link in next weeks email. For the unperson gathering, please RSVP below.

Try to read through Parts I and II (chapters 1-9) of the book before the meeting. Later this summer we will discuss the rest of the book in anticipation of hosting Carl Ellis for weekend in early October! We look forward to welcoming him to help lead us in discussing the book and interacting with the current national climate and conversation. Again, the book can be purchased here.

July 26

Outdoor Communion Services

July 29

Congregational Meeting