Who Speaks To You? Psalm 19 - Sunday July 26 2020

Welcome to our Sunday Service. Want to get connected? Text ‘Hello’ to 215-650-8035 or let us know at this link: http://eepurl.com/cr13qX You can also join us at 10:00 AM on Sundays at: https://libertiriverwards.online.church/ Sermon Text: Psalm 19 Announcements: Free at Last? By Carl Ellis – TODAY! ---For the Zoom discussion: here is the link to the meeting that will start right after the morning service. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85962701229?pwd=U0JZd21qS1k1VzMrcDQ3a1QvSGkrUT09 We ask that you would keep your video on to help keep everyone engaged! ---For the in-person gathering: we will meet at 2061 E Dauphin Street starting around 7:30 with a dinner. The food will be catered boxed meals that will be easy to keep hygienic! So we can know how much food to prepare, please RSVP by signing up here: https://forms.gle/NvtrB7rWdrhBYarX6 Congregational Meeting Wednesday, July 29 @ 8pm Join us this Wednesday for a very important congregational meeting over Zoom. We will bring updates on 1) the church's regathering plans and 2) our church's long-term home/meeting place. We hope you can join us! If you haven’t received the link in the weekly email, email admin@liberti.org Communion Services: Tonight at 6:30 there will be an opportunity to gather for communion. This service will be held outdoors at 2061 East Dauphin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19125


Up To Date with Liberti River Wards - August 2 2020


Corporate Repentance - Sunday July 19 2020