UPDATE 08 - A Milestone & Some FAQs
Hey everyone,
I wanted to share an exciting update with you all!
As you can recall from our earlier post, the final result of our Project Sanctuary initiative was $1.4 million – this number included gifts received (such as during our 2023 Advent Drive) and funds pledged over the next three years.
As of the end of May, I am excited to announce that we have already received $500k of the $1.4 million pledged. Even though we are only a few months into the three-year window for Project Sanctuary, we are already over one-third of the way there.
Join me in thanking God! These numbers are just so incredible, aren’t they? And I know many of you who are reading this update are the folks who have helped us reach this milestone through your generosity. THANK YOU!
And while I have your attention, you know I always love a good FAQ.
Where are things at with the building? What’s the latest?
Most of our work over the past month has been with our architects, who are still working on the final renderings for the building. Once they complete that work, we can move into securing permits and getting bids from contractors.
We have also continued to do demolition work at the building over the past month. A few weeks ago, Scott Hicks and a handful of men in the church rented a Uhaul and cleared out another three tons of junk in the building.
Have there been updates to the architectural plans?
Yes! A few minor ones based on our architecture team’s feedback and the congregation’s input. I hope to show you all more complete renderings at the congregational meeting on June 12. You won’t want to miss it.
Oh shoot, I don’t think I’ve started my giving to fulfill my pledge. How do I start giving to Project Sanctuary?
There are a couple ways to do it, but I would recommend going to the Project Sanctuary page and clicking “Give” on the bottom right of the page. From there, you can select to give a one-time gift or start a monthly donation. You can fill out the info from there. One important thing to note: on the page, you will see, under the Summary, an option to donate to Zeffy, the platform hosting the site. You do not have to donate to Zeffy, and any funds you elect to give there will not go towards Project Sanctuary. If you do not want to give to Zeffy, select “Other” from their drop down menu and put “0” in the Contribution field.
Thanks all! Again, join us at our congregational meeting on June 12 for a fuller update.