
Liberti Men’s Retreat 2021

Men are lonely. Many have recognized that our modern lives are dominated by loneliness. At this retreat, Steve Huber, the Director of the Liberti Network, will guide us as we explore friendship. What are our cultural assumptions about friendship? What are our culture’s practices and obstacles that hinder our friendships as men? And how does the gospel of Jesus Christ liberate us for a different path? There will be time devoted to teaching, reflection, and discussion. There will also be lots of agenda-free time for hanging out around the campfire.

If you are a man who recently started attending Liberti, men’s retreat is the best event of the year for getting connected to the community of our church.

Here are the details: Nov. 5-7 at the West Chester KOA (which is around 45 minutes outside the city). The cost is $50. RSVP through clicking on the PayPal link at the bottom of this page. If you need financial assistance, scholarships are available (simply contact Stephen if you need one).

On Friday night, we will be just hanging out around the fire; arrive when you can. We will have worship, teaching, and discussion on Saturday morning, free time on Saturday afternoon, and one final session together on Saturday evening.

If you have questions, email Stephen at